The man is a ticking time bomb, and not only in hotel lobbies. While most coaches regard matches as events to be studied at the time so as to rearrange tactics and sort out clever substitutions, Laporte can be observed in the stands .... culte de la personnalité) , ou arretons d'insulter les gens , de pousser a la haine , a la mechanceté , moi j'ai voté non , et DIEU merci laurent fabius m'a eclairé quand hollande faisais appel a jospin , n'oublions jamais le jour ou ...
Din randul acestora fac parte Petre Haineala, sotul Olgai Haineala, director de buget-finante al CJ Bacau; ?eternul? Constantin Apostol, cumatrul primarului Stavarache si sef al Agentiei pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est; ...